This post was most recently updated on January 25th, 2020
Gardening Articles
Do you dream of self sufficiency? The first step to providing your own food is to grow your own self sufficient garden. Get all you need to know to get started.
This is the growing collection of recipes, tips and tricks related to your vegetable garden, growing herbs and fruit at your place.
Our Monthly Gardening Guide for Zones 1-10
Note: I am based in New Zealand, but 90% of my readers are from the USA so the months/seasons are done for the northern hemisphere. For the right one for the southern hemisphere, simply add on 6 months and use that one instead
Gardening Articles
Beginners Guide to Growing
If you are brand new to gardening, this is the page to start on! Here are all the ‘how to grow’ instructional posts for all the vegetables the you might want to grow in your garden.
The Self Sufficient Garden
Being self sufficient is the dream of any homesteader. Having a self sufficient garden is the beginning of becoming a producer rather than a consumer.
There are many reasons to grow your own vegetables, having food self reliance is only one of them.
Planning to be self sufficient in your garden takes some organisation and thought. Permaculture zones are a great place to start when planning a homestead.
They help you plan what you will use most often, and how to minimise your travel around your yard.
There are things you can do to reduce the amount of time you spend in your garden, making your place an efficient homestead.
Mulching, cover crops and perennial vegetables all play a part in a permaculture garden.
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There are other things that you can do to save more money in the garden – make your own organic bug sprays, graft your own trees or grow your plants from seed.
If you haven’t grown anything in the past, I suggest our guide to starting a garden from scratch.
Once you are sorted with the basics you can jump on and follow our weekly garden guide that lets you know what you need to do and when in your garden.